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Detailed Description

Equipement-standard Distrifeed

The Distrifeed is designed for the distribution of your dry and bulk fodder, thanks to its chain belt with bar it takes the fodder to the shredders and allows a distribution by its mechanized belt. The feeder trailer is equipped with a transverse belt capable of distributing to the right and to the left along the fences.

Standard Specifications

Equipement-standard Distrifeed

  • 3 Unrollers with retractable fingers
  • Endless auger distribution right or left side
  • Moving bottom speed adjusted by force control
  • Flared shape far an easy loading
Option: Round bale processer

Option-dispositif-balles-rondesFor processing round bales, an optional system is available. The unrollers 2& 3 are sliding forward to let only the lower unroller to work directly on the bale.

Option: Height Raiser

Option-réhausseThe feeder trailer can be equipped with an additional flared extension to provide a larger capacity and to distribute larger volumes of feed.


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