Customer testimonial: UBI Flow, simply efficient

Fabrice Parsonneau has 75 ha in Deux-Sèvres (79), where he breeds Parthenaises. As the owner of a UBI Flow, he gave us his impressions of this bale unroller and straw spreader, which he knows inside out.

Fabrice Parsonneau, who has been based in Saint-Aubin-le-Cloud since 1996, is very familiar with turbine bale unrollers, and even more so with the UBI Flow, as it is his second machine.

"My other Ubi Flow was 6 years old and starting to get tired. But the main reason I wanted to change my bale unroller was to switch to a rear turbine. For me, the disadvantage of the front-mounted turbine is the lack of visibility when it comes to unrolling the bale", explains this son of farmers who took over the family business.

While his parents produced goat's milk, Fabrice opted to breed Parthenaises. Heading up a farm of 70 animals, he straws every morning with cubic and round bales.

His bale unroller straw blower enables him to throw the straw 14 metres into the bottom of his barn without any difficulty.

"This machine straws very well. In cubic bales, the shredder does a really good job. It's indispensable", says the 53-year-old farmer. Added to this is the possibility of adjusting the opening speed of the chute, another advantage in his view.



  • Fabrice Parsonneau
  • 53 years old
  • Established at La Bobinière since 1996, at Saint-Aubin-le-Cloud in Deux-Sèvres (49)
  • Family farm. Ses parents produisaient du lait de chèvre et avaient une dizaine de Parthenaises et 80 chèvres.
  • 75 ha
  • 70 Parthenaises
  • Self-sufficient in forage: produces 500 bales of hay a year and 250 wrapped bales. Complete with self-consumed barley and lupins.


The benefits of UBI Flow
A strawbedding turbine
A tilting body
A loading arm

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